I want to handle http request flutter with some error message but I got so many errors here. I just make it based on the suggestion but it didn't work for me. Please, anyone, help me Here is my function to call API
getData(data, apiUrl) async {
var tempUrl = _url + apiUrl + await _getToken();
Uri uri = Uri.parse(tempUrl);
var fullUrl = uri.replace(queryParameters: data);
var res;
try {
var response = await http.get(fullUrl, headers: _setHeaders()).timeout(
const Duration(seconds: 60));
if (response.statusCode != 200) {
res = {
"success": false,
"status": response.statusCode,
"message": _returnResponse(response)
else {
res = response;
on SocketException {
throw FetchDataException('No Internet connection');
on TimeoutException catch (e) {
res = {
"success": false,
"status": response.statusCode,
"message": "Connection timeout"
} on Error catch (e) {
print('Error: $e');
return res;
This is my return response for the others except 200
dynamic _returnResponse(http.Response response) {
switch (response.statusCode) {
case 400:
throw BadRequestException(response.body.toString());
case 401:
case 403:
throw UnauthorisedException(response.body.toString());
case 500:
throw FetchDataException(
'Error occured while Communication with Server with StatusCode : ${response
and here is my app_exception.dart I got from StackOverflow and other forums
class AppException implements Exception {
final _message;
final _prefix;
AppException([this._message, this._prefix]);
String toString() {
return "$_prefix$_message";
class FetchDataException extends AppException {
FetchDataException([String message])
: super(message, "Error During Communication: ");
class BadRequestException extends AppException {
BadRequestException([message]) : super(message, "Invalid Request: ");
class UnauthorisedException extends AppException {
UnauthorisedException([message]) : super(message, "Unauthorised: ");
class InvalidInputException extends AppException {
InvalidInputException([String message]) : super(message, "Invalid Input: ");
I have tried so many suggestions but it didn't work at all
I got this error
Error: 'SocketException' isn't a type. on SocketException { ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Error: 'TimeoutException' isn't a type. on TimeoutException catch (e) { ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
I used dio package. That's more easier and bug-less than i make it