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Get first whitespace-separated macro argument

I'd like to get the first whitespace-separated macro argument in NASM. It's easy to do it if arguments are comma-separated, for example this emits 5 nops, ignoring the blah:

%macro foo 1+
times 5 %1
foo nop, blah

How do I define my foow macro so that it works as foow nop blah more-blah, i.e. whitespace-separated arguments? I only need the 1st argument.


  • You can use %defstr and then %substr in a %rep loop to figure out how long the first non-space sequence is. Then use %deftok to convert it back into a non-string token. Here's an example. (Note that the %$exit variable is only needed for some older versions of NASM that had bugs in their %exitrep handling .)

    %macro bar 1.nolist
     %defstr %$string %1
     %strlen %$length %$string
     %assign %$ii 0
     %assign %$exit 0
     %rep %$length
      %substr %$point %$string %$ii + 1, 1
      %if %$point == 32 || %$point == 9
       %assign %$exit 1
      %ifn %$exit
       %assign %$ii %$ii + 1
     %substr %$word %$string 1, %$ii
     %deftok %$token %$word
    bar nop quux xyzzy

    Here's a test run:

    $ nasm -E test.asm
    %line 22+1 test.asm