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how to extract text from inside quotes using findstr

I have a directory full of files I am trying to findstr and extract whats inside the quotes

my test

G:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\XXXXXXXXX\addons>findstr addontitle workshop\*.vpk
workshop\XXXXXXXXX.vpk:        addontitle "Addon 1"
workshop\XXXXXXXX.vpk:        addontitle                      "Addon 2"

I just want to have the title only

for /f tokens^=1-3delims^=:^" %%i in ('findstr /RC:"addontitle *\".*\"" "workshop\*.vpk"') do (
    echo "FOUND: %%~ni.vpk TITLE: %%k"
    mkdir "custom\%%~ni">nul 2>&1
    mklink ".\custom\%%~ni\pak01_dir.vpk" "..\..\workshop\%%~ni.vpk">nul 2>&1
    echo            Game                "left4dead2\addons\custom\%%~ni"        // %%k>> %GAMEINFO%

for /f tokens^=1-3delims^=:^" %%i in ('findstr /VRC:"addontitle *\".*\"" "workshop\*.vpk"') do (
    echo "FOUND: %%~ni.vpk"
    mkdir "custom\%%~ni">nul 2>&1
    mklink ".\custom\%%~ni\pak01_dir.vpk" "..\..\workshop\%%~ni.vpk">nul 2>&1
    echo            Game                "left4dead2\addons\custom\%%~ni"        // ADDON INFO MISSING>> output.txt


  • How about this?

    @echo off
    for /f tokens^=1-3delims^=:^" %%i in ('findstr /RC:"addontitle *\".*\"" "workshop\*.vpk"') do (
        mkdir "custom\%%~ni">nul 2>&1
        mklink ".\custom\%%~ni\pak01_dir.vpk" "..\..\workshop\%%~ni.vpk">nul 2>&1
        echo          Game                "XXXXXXXX\addons\custom\%%~ni"        // %%k
    )>> output.txt

    findstr gets the name of the file anyway when used on list of files, so just use that.

    Note I took the liberty of adding double quotes to the string echoed "XXXXXXXX\addons\custom\%%~ni" if you do not need it, just remove it.

    In the event that addontitle can be in any case, add /I to the findstr command.

    @echo off
    for /f tokens^=1-3delims^=:^" %%i in ('findstr /IRC:"addontitle *\".*\"" "workshop\*.vpk"') do (
        mkdir "custom\%%~ni">nul 2>&1
        mklink ".\custom\%%~ni\pak01_dir.vpk" "..\..\workshop\%%~ni.vpk">nul 2>&1
        echo          Game                "XXXXXXXX\addons\custom\%%~ni"        // %%k
    )>> output.txt