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How to deep compare maps to filter distinct items in XQuery?

I wish I could filter a list of maps to remove those that are identical.

The union operator of XQuery only works on nodes. The

How can I do a deep comparison of maps to output distinct maps ? I can suppose that the function deep-equal() could be useful there with higher order function but I couldn’t cope with it.

let $map1 := map{ 
  'a' : '1',
  'b' : '2'
let $map2 := map{ 
  'c' : '3',
  'd' : '4'
let $map3 := map{ 
  'a' : '1',
  'b' : '2'
return local:getDistinctMap( ($map1, $map2, $map3) )

That should return

  'a' : '1',
  'b' : '2'
  'c' : '3',
  'd' : '4'


  • You can use fold-left:

    declare function local:getDistinctMaps($maps as map(*)*) as map(*)* {
        function($distinct-maps, $new-map) { 
          if (some $map in $distinct-maps satisfies deep-equal($map, $new-map))
          then $distinct-maps else ($distinct-maps, $new-map)
    let $map1 := map{ 
      'a' : '1',
      'b' : '2'
    let $map2 := map{ 
      'c' : '3',
      'd' : '4'
    let $map3 := map{ 
      'a' : '1',
      'b' : '2'
    return local:getDistinctMaps( ($map1, $map2, $map3) )