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How to run a server (a process) for the duration of integration tests?

My problem is that server process doesn't get shut down after the last integration test.

In, I have:

lazy_static! {
    static ref SERVER: Arc<Mutex<duct::ReaderHandle>> = {
        println!("Starting server");
            cmd!("cargo", "run", "--", "13000")
                .expect("Valid server"),

async fn wait_for_server() {
    // Code to wait

async fn integration_test_query_amount() -> Result<()> {
    let client = reqwest::Client::new();
    // Etc...

The tests work, but the server stays running after the cargo test invocation finishes. Is there a nice recipe for starting up and shutting down a server like this?


  • You can make a Drop wrapper for a process which will kill it when it goes out of scope. Something along the lines of:

    struct KillOnDrop(std::process::Child);
    impl Drop for KillOnDrop {
        fn drop(&mut self) {

    Alternatively, as it looks like you're using tokio already, tokio::process supports this out of the box.