I'm using Laravel with a personal integration of the Stripe API (using Stripe API from github).
Everything was working fine until i switched to manual confirmation mode, and now i'm receiving the following error:
This PaymentIntent pi_**************uVme cannot be confirmed using your publishable key because its `confirmation_method` is set to `manual`. Please use your secret key instead, or create a PaymentIntent with `confirmation_method` set to `automatic`.
Any idea?
This is my current code (which is not working):
Stripe::setApiKey(config('services.stripe.secret')); // config('services.stripe.secret') returns "sk_test_gFi********************nMepv"
$paymentIntent = PaymentIntent::create([
'amount' => $orderSession->order_total * 100,
'currency' => 'eur',
'description' => "Pagamento di ".(price($orderSession->order_total))."€ a ".$orderSession->user->user_name." in data ".(now()->format("d-m-Y H:m:s")),
'metadata' => [
'subtotal' => $orderSession->order_subtotal,
'user'=> "{$orderSession->user_id} : {$orderSession->user->user_email}",
'wines'=> substr(
$orderSession->wines()->select('wine_id', 'quantity')->get()->each(
$el->q= $el->quantity;
$el->id = $el->wine_id;
unset($el->wine_id, $el->pivot, $el->quantity);
'confirmation_method' => 'manual',
JS frontend:
<button class="myButtonPayment" id="card-button" type="button" data-secret="{!!$stripePaymentIntent->client_secret!!}" ><span>Pay</span></button>
cardButton.addEventListener('click', function() {
if(!document.getElementById('order_telephone_number').value || /^\+?[0-9 ]{6,20}$/.test(document.getElementById('order_telephone_number').value)){
clientSecret, cardElement, {
payment_method_data: {
billing_details: {name: cardholderName.value}
).then(function (result) {
if (result.error) {
} else {
The error is occuring when I click on the button (so is not related to the part of the code where I confirm the payment)
The error serialization is the following:
"message":"This PaymentIntent pi_1H3TQ*********T00uVme cannot be confirmed using your publishable key because its `confirmation_method` is set to `manual`. Please use your secret key instead, or create a PaymentIntent with `confirmation_method` set to `automatic`.",
Manual confirmation for Payment Intents is for server-side confirmation only (i.e. with your secret API key, not your publishable key). Setting confirmation_method
to manual
on a Payment Intent is the same as saying, "this Payment Intent can only be confirmed server-side".
You can read more about this in in the finalize payments on the server guide in Stripe's documentation.