I am trying to add colors to my input statement in the windows command line using the library Clint.
from clint.textui import colored, puts,prompt
user_number = prompt.query(str(colored.cyan('\nPlease enter something:\n')))
I can't figure out why the cyan color not showing up. Attached is the view from the command line. Thanks!
Here is the definition of the query function in the file prompt.py from the clint lib
def query(prompt, default='', validators=None, batch=False):
# Set the nonempty validator as default
if validators is None:
validators = [RegexValidator(r'.+')]
# Let's build the prompt
if prompt[-1] is not ' ':
prompt += ' '
if default:
prompt += '[' + default + '] '
# If input is not valid keep asking
while True:
# If batch option is True then auto reply
# with default input
if not batch:
user_input = raw_input(prompt).strip() or default
user_input = ''
# Validate the user input
for validator in validators:
user_input = validator(user_input)
return user_input
except Exception as e:
you can see that you can't print a colorful text like you are trying to achieve, since it expects a literal string as an argument, we can alter the query function to work as expected like this
from clint.textui import colored, puts, prompt, validators as validators_module
from re import match
prompt_colors = {
"red": colored.red, "green": colored.green, "yellow": colored.yellow, "blue": colored.blue,
"black": colored.black, "magenta": colored.magenta, "cyan": colored.cyan, "white": colored.white
def new_query(prompt, color, default='', validators=None, batch=False):
# Set the nonempty validator as default
if validators is None:
validators = [validators_module.RegexValidator(r'.+')]
# Let's build the prompt
if prompt[-1] is not ' ':
prompt += ' '
if default:
prompt += '[' + default + '] '
# If input is not valid keep asking
while True:
# If batch option is True then auto reply
# with default input
if not batch:
# now the output is colored as expected
user_input = input().strip() or default
user_input = ''
# Validate the user input
for validator in validators:
user_input = validator(user_input)
return user_input
except Exception as e:
# now the query function is customized as per our needs
prompt.query = new_query
user_input = prompt.query("Please enter something: ", "cyan")
Note: I think the changes are clear enough and do not need explanation, but if you have some questions I would be glad to answer'em in the comments section