Basically I am displaying a QTreeView with 20 columns. I want the user to re-arrange the columns and push a save button to store the ordering as a list in an ini-file. On starting up the program, I want to re-order the columns based on the settings from the ini-file.
I am storing the original colum orders as list in "list_origin". The desired order is in "list_custom". E.g.
list_origin=['From', 'Subject', 'Date']
list_custom=['Date', 'Subject', 'From']
Now the problem is, when I move columns with the model headers moveSection() command, the original indexes are sometimes not correct anymore, because the columns might get inserted in between and thus lose their origin position index.
See example below: pushing the button "Rearrange cols to Date/Subject/From" will create an undesired order of the columns. How to arrange the colums in the desired order, based on the list_custom?
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# file:
import sys
from PyQt5.QtGui import *
from PyQt5.QtCore import *
from PyQt5.QtGui import *
from PyQt5.QtWidgets import *
def find_col_by_name(tree_obj, col_name: str) -> int:
""" Returns found column position as integer, else -1 """
pos_found: int = -1
model = tree_obj.model()
if model:
for col in range(model.columnCount()):
header = model.headerData(col, Qt.Horizontal, Qt.DisplayRole)
if str(header) == col_name:
pos_found = col
return pos_found
def find_col_by_index(tree_obj, col_index: int) -> int:
""" Returns found column position as integer, else -1 """
pos_found: int = -1
model = tree_obj.model()
header = tree_obj.header()
pos_found = header.visualIndex(col_index)
header_txt = model.headerData(pos_found, Qt.Horizontal, Qt.DisplayRole)
return pos_found
class App(QWidget):
FROM, SUBJECT, DATE = range(3)
def __init__(self):
self.title = 'PyQt5 Treeview Example -'
self.left = 800 = 200
self.width = 640
self.height = 240
def initUI(self):
self.setGeometry(self.left,, self.width, self.height)
pushButton = QPushButton("Rearrange cols to Date/Subject/From")
groupBox = QGroupBox("Inbox")
treeView = QTreeView()
pushButton.clicked.connect(lambda: self.rearrange_column_layout(treeView))
dataLayout = QHBoxLayout()
model = self.createMailModel(self)
self.addMail(model, '', 'Your Github Donation','03/25/2017 02:05 PM')
self.addMail(model, '', 'Github Projects','02/02/2017 03:05 PM')
self.addMail(model, '', 'Your Phone Bill','01/01/2017 04:05 PM')
self.addMail(model, '', 'aaaYour Github Donation','03/25/2017 02:05 PM')
self.addMail(model, '', 'bbbGithub Projects','02/02/2017 03:05 PM')
self.addMail(model, '', 'cccYour Phone Bill','01/01/2017 04:05 PM')
mainLayout = QVBoxLayout()
def createMailModel(self,parent):
model = QStandardItemModel(0, 3, parent)
model.setHeaderData(self.FROM, Qt.Horizontal, "From")
model.setHeaderData(self.SUBJECT, Qt.Horizontal, "Subject")
model.setHeaderData(self.DATE, Qt.Horizontal, "Date")
return model
def addMail(self,model, mailFrom, subject, date):
model.setData(model.index(0, self.FROM), mailFrom)
model.setData(model.index(0, self.SUBJECT), subject)
model.setData(model.index(0, self.DATE), date)
def rearrange_column_layout(self, treeView):
print("restore_column_layout() called.")
list_custom: list = ['Date', 'Subject', 'From']
list_origin: list = []
model = treeView.model()
header = treeView.header()
col_count = model.columnCount()
for col_search_index in range(col_count):
col_found = header.visualIndex(col_search_index)
header_txt = model.headerData(col_search_index, Qt.Horizontal, Qt.DisplayRole)
pos_custom: int = 0
pos_origin_last: int = 0
for item_custom in list_custom:
pos_origin: int = 0
for item_origin in list_origin:
if item_custom == item_origin:
msg_txt = f"moving col '{item_origin}' from {pos_origin} to {pos_custom}."
QMessageBox.information(self, f"{item_origin}", msg_txt)
header.moveSection(pos_origin, pos_custom)
pos_origin_last = pos_origin
pos_origin += 1
pos_custom += 1
if __name__ == '__main__':
app = QApplication(sys.argv)
ex = App()
I want to set the column ordering based on an input list
"list_origin" contains the header names in original order, e.g. list_origin=['From', 'Subject', 'Date']
"list_custom" is the desired order of the columns in my QTreeView, e.g. list_custom=['Date', 'Subject', 'From']
Now I am iterating over the custom list, and want to put the columns based on this positions with header moveSection().
So the algorithm basically is:
step1: start with index 0 of the custom list, it's "Date"
step2: get the position of "Date" from origin list, which is 2.
step3: call moveSection(2,0)
Trace output:
moving col 'Date' from 2 to 0.
moving col 'Subject' from 1 to 1.
moving col 'From' from 0 to 2.
But anyway the result is "From"/"Subject"/"Date" (!) and not as desired "Date"/"Subject"/"From".
The logic is to obtain the index of each element at the time of the iteration since the visual order is changing within the loop:
def rearrange_column_layout(self, treeView):
to_list = ["Date", "Subject", "From"]
header = treeView.header()
model = treeView.model()
for i, c in enumerate(to_list[:-1]):
from_list = [
model.headerData(header.logicalIndex(visual_index), Qt.Horizontal)
for visual_index in range(header.count())
j = from_list.index(c)
header.moveSection(j, i)