EDIT: As pointed out by some users, the request does not actually returns a JSON, but a string encoded JSON. The issue here is not actually parsing the JSON in python, but writing it in such a way that a request can be sent to the API. Therefore, it's not necessary to use the json python library.
I'm using the various google APIs (slides, drive, sheets and such) with a python program. I am having issues accessing the properties in the JSON that the API requests return.
Take a slides presentations().get request for example. It returns an instance of presentation. And I want to access its Slides property, which is an array of page objects.
So I am trying the code
slideInfo = SLIDES.presentations().get(presentationId=presId).execute()
slideInfo = slideInfo.get(['slides'][0]['pageType'])
But I get an error message saying "TypeError: string indices must be integers"
However, I thought that using brackets with a string was an acceptable replacement for accesing with a dot. In fact, I don't know how to translate this to dot accesors because it throws a syntax error since the keys have to be wrapped in quotes.
throws syntax error because of the dot, and without the dot it doesnt work either
So with the JSON representation in the docs:
"presentationId": string,
"pageSize": {
object (Size)
"slides": [
object (Page)
"title": string,
"masters": [
object (Page)
"layouts": [
object (Page)
"locale": string,
"revisionId": string,
"notesMaster": {
object (Page)
You can access the slides using: slideInfo.get('slides')
or slideInfo['slides']
So if you want to get the pageType
of the first slide, it would be: