I have several dots distributed along a map and several polylines, connecting those dots. So far, so good.
Now I wanted to add a popup
to each of those polylines, so they would show up when ever I click on them. It's not happening. This is what I got:
for (var key in JLinks) {
var lat1 = JLinks[key]["lat1"];
var lat2 = JLinks[key]["lat2"];
var lon1 = JLinks[key]["lon1"];
var lon2 = JLinks[key]["lon2"];
var d = JLinks[key]["d"];
var line = L.polyline( [ [lat1,lon1], [lat2,lon2] ] );
The lines are placed correctly in the map, but the popups do not appear.
Well, the solution was rather easy (and unexpected to me ...). I had to concatenate the d
parameter with some string, and now I have the popup being shown:
var line = L.polyline( [ [lat1,lon1], [lat2,lon2] ] );
line.bindPopup(d + "km");