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How To Create A Message Box From Google App Script To Web App

I'm trying to create a message box from my .gs to my web app, I tried these but the message box couldn't show up:

var html = HtmlService.createHtmlOutputFromFile('View');
SpreadsheetApp.getUi().showModalDialog(html, 'Dialog title');

Browser.msgBox('Hello!', Browser.Buttons.OK);


Are those methods the right way to do it? Your response will be appreciated :)


  • The methods you are trying to use are designed for use in the context of a Google Spreadsheet

    • You cannot use them within a WebApp, even if your WebApp is bound to a spreadsheet.
    • It would make little sense anyway, since when you deploy a WebApp, you interact with the WebApp interface, not with the spreadsheet UI.
    • Instead you need to use Javascript methods that are accessible from the clientside of your WebApp, see here.



    function doGet() {
      return HtmlService.createHtmlOutputFromFile("index");
    function called(){
      Logger.log("I was called");
      //the rest of your code


    <!DOCTYPE html>
        <base target="_top">
        if (confirm("Please confirm, are you sure you want to continue?")) {
         alert( " will be called");;
       } else {
        alert( "You cancelled!");