I'm trying to show the indices of all multiple occurrences for an element in a list.
in standard ml.
but my code show the empty list :(
this is my code:
fun index(item, xs,ys) =
fun index'(m, nil , ys) = (
SOME (ys) )
| index'(m, x::xr , ys) = if x = item then(
(ys @ [m]);
index'(m + 1, xr , ys)
else index'(m + 1, xr,ys)
index'(0, xs , ys)
can you help me?
First things first:
should take two arguments; the element to look for and the list to look for it in.SOME
of something and never NONE
.Let's fix these first.
fun index (item, xs) =
fun index'(m, nil , ys) = ys
| index'(m, x::xr, ys) = if x = item then(
(ys @ [m]);
index'(m + 1, xr , ys)
else index'(m + 1, xr,ys)
index'(0, xs, [])
Now you don't need to pass the extra accumulator parameter when you use index
It's also impossible to start with something other than []
Your next, and main, problem is
(ys @ [m]);
index'(m + 1, xr , ys)
which first creates the list ys @ [m]
, immediately throws it away, and then produces as its result index'(m + 1, xr , ys)
, which is exactly what the else
branch does.
That is, the conditional is equivalent to
if x = item
then index'(m + 1, xr, ys)
else index'(m + 1, xr, ys)
and thus, index'
is equivalent to
fun index'(m, nil, ys) = ys
| index'(m, x::xr, ys) = index'(m + 1, xr, ys)
Since you always pass the original ys
along, and it is []
to start with, the result is always []
What you need to do is to pass the extended list to the recursion, so it can become the result when the recursion terminates.
Renaming the accumulator ys
to make its purpose clearer:
fun index (item, xs) =
fun index'(i, nil, accumulator) = accumulator
| index'(i, x::xr, accumulator) = if x = item
then index' (i + 1, xr, accumulator @ [i])
else index' (i + 1, xr, accumulator)
index'(0, xs, [])
This is inefficient, due to the repeated appending of an element to the back of a list.
It is very common to accumulate in reverse, and correct it when you're done.
(This "feels" inefficient, but it isn't.)
fun index (item, xs) =
fun index'(i, nil, accumulator) = List.reverse accumulator
| index'(i, x::xr, accumulator) = if x = item
then index' (i + 1, xr, i::accumulator)
else index' (i + 1, xr, accumulator)
index'(0, xs, [])