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Trying to run the command 'appium-doctor' on Windows Command Prompt but getting an error

I installed Appium Desktop for windows and used the Command Prompt to install Appium server and appium-doctor via npm but I get the following error after typing 'appium-doctor' in the command prompt:

'appium-doctor' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.

How can I get appium-doctor to run?

Edit: I found out what was wrong. In %PATH%, I had two variable locations written down in the same line separated by a semicolon:

C:\Users\xyz\AppData\Roaming\npm;C:\Program Files\nodejs

I removed the semicolon and put the two variable locations in different lines:


C:\Program Files\nodejs

Everything is working now


  • you either need to specify the full path in cmd, or add the path to the executable in your os PATH environment variable