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lisp passing value to function?

i am new to lisp and in my code i want to convert 3 first bit to integer and check if number of ones in next bits is equal to that or not this is my code:

(defun new (vi n res)
    (cond ((= vi nil) (cond ((= 0 res) t) ))
          ((= 2 n) (new (cdr vi) 1 (* (car vi) 4))) 
          ((= 1 n) (new (cdr vi) 0 (+ (res) (* (car vi) 2))))  
          ((= 0 n) (new (cdr vi) -1 (+ (res) (car vi ))))
          ((= vi nil) (nil))
          ((= -1 n) (new (cdr vi) -1 (- res (car vi))))))

i wanted to test it but when i write it:

(new ( 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0) 2 0 )

it errors 0 is not a function i tried this one :

 (new (list `0 `1 `0 `0 `0 `0 `1 `0 `0 `1 `0) 2 0 )

but it errors

  • =: (0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0) is not a number


  • SBCL shows these warnings compiling your function:

    ; in: DEFUN NEW
    ;     (= VI NIL)
    ; caught WARNING:
    ;   Constant NIL conflicts with its asserted type NUMBER.
    ;   See also:
    ;     The SBCL Manual, Node "Handling of Types"
    ; in: DEFUN NEW
    ;     (NIL)
    ; caught WARNING:
    ;   The function NIL is undefined, and its name is reserved by ANSI CL so that even
    ;   if it were defined later, the code doing so would not be portable.
    ;     (RES)
    ; caught STYLE-WARNING:
    ;   undefined function: COMMON-LISP-USER::RES
    ; compilation unit finished
    ;   Undefined functions:
    ;     NIL RES
    ;   caught 2 WARNING conditions
    ;   caught 1 STYLE-WARNING condition