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DataReader is displaying Yahoo Finance dates incorrectly

I am running this code to get timeseries data for USDJPY:

from pandas_datareader import data
from pandas import Series, DataFrame

data.DataReader('JPY=X', 'yahoo', date(2020,6,15), date(2020,6,28))['Close']

This is producing the following:

2020-06-14    107.310997
2020-06-15    107.463997
2020-06-16    107.410004
2020-06-17    106.893997
2020-06-18    107.005997
2020-06-21    106.831001
2020-06-22    106.903000
2020-06-23    106.431999
2020-06-24    107.043999
2020-06-25    107.154999
Name: Close, dtype: float64

These dates are wrong. 14 and 21 June 2020 were Sundays. The currency data is correct but the dates are all being shifted backwards by 1 day (i.e. 14 June 2020 should be 15 June 2020


  • I have the answer. Don't use DataReader for FX data. Use Alpha Vantage as follows:

    import requests
    Get = requests.get('')

    You will need to request an API key here.