I have a list of Tasks, the tasks do work on different databases then update a set of results on a central database.
If I can't connect to the central database the desired behaviour is to cancel all the tasks, wait for the running tasks to successfully stop (as it's a cooperative thing) then quit the program.
I've written a few lines of code to test cancelling tasks:
var cancellationTokenSource = new CancellationTokenSource();
var taskList = new List<Task>();
taskList.Add(new Task(() => { Thread.Sleep(5000); }, cancellationTokenSource.Token));
taskList.Add(new Task(() => { Thread.Sleep(5000); }, cancellationTokenSource.Token));
taskList.ForEach(task => task.Start());
I know I should normally periodically check the cancellation token within the tasks executing code but for now I'm just testing my understanding of how cancelling works.
When I run it I get the error:
You can pass a cancellation token to WaitAll but thats for actually cancelling the WaitAll
Essentially I just want to wait until all tasks have either run to completion or stopped due to being cancelled so I can safely quit.
I feel like I'm probably missing something simple, if anyone could shed some light on how to accomplish this that would be really appreciated.
Many Thanks
This is a possible duplicate of Task.WaitAll throws OperationCanceledException
Essentially what you need is
Task.WhenAll(taskA, taskB, taskC).Wait()
As mentioned in the answer above.