I am working with a SQlite hexagon index database and other information, the Hexagons index is the primary key. This database is generated by code written in python, and other codes written in C use the hexagonal index to access the information stored in the database.
for res_hex in [12,11,10,9,8]:
index_hex = h3.geo_to_h3(sonde[1], sonde[0], res_hex)
sonde[1] is latitude, sonde[0] is longitude res_hex is the resolution.
In fact, I have a list of objects represented by their latitude and longitude in a text file, I calculate the indexes around them with different resolutions (8 to 12). that I enter the database.
But my problem is that when I calculate the hexagon in code c with lat, lon and the resolution, I do not find it in the base. This even if the calculation is based on the same file.
GeoCoord geo = {latitude, longitude};
H3Index currentIndex = geoToH3(&geo, resolution);
Thanks for your help
I have find a solution, in C Lat/Lon must be in radians but it is not the case in python