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Azure SQL Server Login failed after Free-trial

I am currently using Azure for studies. My 30-day free trial is now over. However, I can see that after this free trial, there would be a period of another 11 months or so of free products, list in which SQL Server is included.

I have a SQL Server database hosted under this account and I can no longer access it. Would not it be included in this one year trial? Or should I start paying now? I want to use it for studies and I cannot pay much.

Password is correct, because I noted it down and I have it in my web.config. But I am still getting this error:

Login failed for user XXX. ... Error: 18456


  • According on the Azure free account document:

    What happens once I use my $200 free credit or I’m at the end of 30 days?

    We’ll notify you so you can decide if you want to upgrade to pay-as-you-go pricing and remove the spending limit. If you do, you’ll have access to free products.* If you don’t, your account and products will be disabled, and you'll need to upgrade to resume usage.

    It gives you the answer. That's why you can't access your Azure SQL database.

    You could upgrade to pay-as-you-go pricing and continue to use the Azure SQL database in the left 11 months for free.

    Azure SQL database has many price tiers, if your database is not very large, you can change to the Basic price tier and only need 4.99$/month after one yeas later:

    enter image description here

    Hope this helps.