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Is there a way to organise video files by month in new directories?

I am relatively new to bash. I wanted to know if there was an existing command on Mac OS' terminal to seperate video files by month in new directories. Essentially, this means that if I have videos in a span of 12 months, I would have 12 new directories with the videos put inside.

Otherwise, I was wondering if there was another way I could do this maybe through python to solve such problem.

I was hoping to use this to work with 500+ video files. It would tremendously help me if I could just have a script doing it for me instead of going through them one by one.

Before Script

enter image description here

enter image description here

After Script(Desired Output)

enter image description here

Update (found the solution)

I ended up finding the solution thank you for leading me to the right answer. Now I learnt one new thing today

import os, shutil 
from datetime import datetime

filepath = "/Users/alfietorres/Downloads/"      #base file path 
for filename in os.listdir(filepath):           #iterate through each file in the directory

    r = os.stat(filepath+filename)              #look for the file path and the file name
    d = r.st_birthtime                          #look for the time created 
    date=datetime.fromtimestamp(d)              #assign the details to a date variable

    month_directory = filepath+str(date.month)+"-"+str(date.year)      #use the date variable to create a UNIQUE new directory 
    file_being_moved = filepath+filename        #file the path of the file being moved    

    if os.path.isdir(month_directory) :         #check if the directory is created
        print("directory found ... ")
        shutil.move(file_being_moved,month_directory)   #move the file we are iterating on to the directory
        print("creating directory ... ")        
        os.mkdir(month_directory)                       #create new directory 
        shutil.move(file_being_moved,month_directory)   #move items in new directory


  • You can write a python script that does it for you.

    Use os module to get information about your files. Especially creation time:

    import os
    r = os.stat("path/to/file")
    print(r.st_ctime_ns)   # it prints the number of nano seconds since creation (Windows OS)

    In order to get the list of files/directories in a directory, you can use os module too:

    os.listdir("path/to/directory/")  # you get a list of all files/directories

    In order to convert the timestamp into a datetime, you can use datetime module:

    from datetime import datetime
    d = r.st_ctime_ns // 1000000   # convert to seconds
    date = datetime.fromtimestamp(d)
    print(date)   ##  datetime.datetime(2019, 3, 19, 5, 37, 22)
    print(date.year)  ## get the year
    print(date.month)  ## get the month
    print(   ## get the day

    Now you have just to compbine these information to organize your files.

    Other useful information:

    • To create a directory, use os.mkdir("directory name")
    • To move a file, use os.rename("old path", "new path")