losing sleep over this issue
My app hierarchy is ListVC1-->ListVC2-->DetailVC. [Working perfect]
and... SearchListVC-->DetailVC (the same DetailVC as above) [Issue is in this model]
The code in SearchListVC is almost same as ListVC2, with a difference that it contains a SearchBar, instead of a navigationBar, on top.
Also, please note that I am able to present the DetailVC as a ModalView, it is push that is not happening... the cell remains highlighted.
Here is the didselectrow code
- (void)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView didSelectRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath{
// Navigation logic may go here. Create and push another view controller.
if (indexPath.row<[smses count]) {
WebSMSDetailViewController *detailViewController = [[WebSMSDetailViewController alloc] initWithNibName:@"WebSMSDetailViewController" bundle:nil];
[self.navigationController pushViewController:detailViewController animated:YES];
detailViewController.smsList = allWebSMSes;
detailViewController.smsIndex = indexPath.row;
[detailViewController populateDetails];
[detailViewController release];
else {
if (indexPath.row<totalSMSes) {
[self loadNotes];
I think the problem is somewhere else. I have been googling for quite a while but couldn't understand the solutions posted, so please be a little descriptive... beginner here!
I suppose the problem is that, you dont have a navigation controller in the SearchListVC. Like you wrote,
it contains a SearchBar, instead of a navigationBar, on top
Use a navigation controller with the SearchListVC and I think your problem is solved.