I have a data frame that I am passing to a rhandsontable. Let's say it has 10 columns. I have a drop-down that has 3 choices:
Be default, when the rhandsontable loads, it will show all 10 columns. When the use selects one of the three options in the drop-down, I want to hide certain columns using the hot_col(col = col_name, width = 0.5)
For example, if the user selects option 1 - Show columns 1 through 5, hiding columns 6 through 10 would look something like:
rhandsontable(df) %>%
hot_col(col = column_6, width = 0.5) %>%
hot_col(col = column_7, width = 0.5) %>%
hot_col(col = column_8, width = 0.5) %>%
hot_col(col = column_9, width = 0.5) %>%
hot_col(col = column_10, width = 0.5)
I attempted filtering the data set with something like:
df <- if (input$dropdown == "Show columns 1 through 5") {df %>% select(1:5)}
else if (input$dropdown == "Show columns 1, 5 and 10") {df %>% select(1, 5, 10)}
else if (input$dropdown == "Show columns 6 through 10") {df %>% select(6:10)}
else {df %>% select(1:10)}
which works for only showing specific columns, but I have hot_col
rules specific to different columns which bombs because if I have a rule saying that column_6 is of date type, it won't find column_6 if "Show columns 1 through 5" is chosen.
Sorry I don't have a working example, but hope this makes sense. Thanks!
You can determine from the selectInput
which columns should be hidden and then use this information in the renderRHandsontable
call to dynamically hide columns:
ui <- fluidPage(
column(width = 6,
selectInput( inputId = "columns",
label = "select columns",
choices = c("all", "first half", "second half")
server <- function(input, output, session) {
output$table <- renderRHandsontable({
output <- rhandsontable(mtcars[, 1:4])
# determine the columns to show
if (input$columns == "all") columns_to_hide <- NULL
if (input$columns == "first half") columns_to_hide <- 3:4
if (input$columns == "second half") columns_to_hide <- 1:2
used_colnames <- colnames(mtcars[, 1:4])
if (!is.null(columns_to_hide)) {
for (col_name in used_colnames[columns_to_hide]) {
output <- output %>% hot_col(col = col_name, width = 0.5)
shinyApp(ui, server)