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Is Cloud Functions in Firebase Free or Not (Cloud Functions deployment requires the pay-as-you-go (Blaze) billing plan)

When i make my first deploy function I can't deploying Because I have Error Asks me to make Upgrade to my account to Blaze I need to Know Can i deploy Function when i use free account??


i  deploying functions
i  functions: ensuring required API is enabled...
i  functions: ensuring required API is enabled...
!  functions: missing required API Enabling now...
+  functions: required API is enabled

Error: Cloud Functions deployment requires the pay-as-you-go (Blaze) billing plan. To upgrade your project, visit the following URL:

For additional information about this requirement, see Firebase FAQs:


  • As the message says, you can't deploy functions on the Spark free tier, if you target nodejs 10. Read the link to the FAQ:

    Why will I need a billing account to use the Node.js 10 runtime for Cloud Functions for Firebase?

    Because of updates to its underlying architecture planned for August 17, 2020, Cloud Functions for Firebase will rely on some additional paid Google services: Cloud Build, Container Registry, and Cloud Storage. These architecture updates will apply for functions deployed to the Node.js 10 runtime. Usage of these services will be billed in addition to existing pricing.

    In the new architecture, Cloud Build supports the deployment of functions. You'll be billed only for the computing time required to build a function's runtime container.

    Cloud Storage, interoperating with Google Container Registry, will provide storage space for the containers in which functions run. You'll be billed for each container required to deploy a function. If you're currently using Cloud Functions within free usage limits, you may notice new, small charges for each container stored— for example, 1GB of storage is billed at $0.026 per month.

    To understand more about how your bill might change, please review the following

    If you want to target node 8, that might still work. But it's been deprecated, and your functions will eventually stop working. You would still have to migrate them to node 10 in that case, and provide a billing account.

    Cloud Functions still has a monthly free allowance that's documented in the pricing page. But you will have to provide a credit card and be on a billing plan in order to use it. You will be responsible for paying for any monthly overage.