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Bot framework javascript_nodejs v4: Unable to use Default Locale in DateTimePrompt (Dutch)

In a waterfall dialog step, I need a date from the user. The users language is Dutch. I have tried multiple options, but the locale keeps using 'en-en'. Dutch dates like '1 April' and '26 Juni' are not recognized.

My prompt:

this.addDialog(new DateTimePrompt(WHEN_PROMPT, this.datePromptValidator, 'nl-nl'));

I use it like this

const promptOptions = { retryPrompt: 'Hier kan ik geen datum uithalen.' };
return await stepContext.prompt(WHEN_PROMPT, promptOptions);

and the validator

async datePromptValidator(promptContext) {
    return promptContext.recognized.succeeded;

Would appreciate some help...


  • This of "defaultLocale" as more of a fall-back if there's no indication what the user's locale is supposed to be.

    In the current code, activity.locale is used first, if it exists:

    const locale: string =  activity.locale || this.defaultLocale || 'en-us';

    This is what's specified in the param info:

    • @param defaultLocale (Optional) locale to use if TurnContext.activity.locale is not specified. Defaults to a value of en-us.

    This is the same for other prompts:

    If you're running into this when testing, here's how to change locale in a few clients:


    enter image description here


              directLine: window.WebChat.createDirectLine({
                token: 'YOUR_DIRECT_LINE_TOKEN'
              userID: 'YOUR_USER_ID',
              username: 'Web Chat User',
              locale: 'en-US', // CHANGE THIS HERE!!
              botAvatarInitials: 'WC',
              userAvatarInitials: 'WW'


    Click your profile, then Settings, then:

    enter image description here