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Finding X in sql bigquery

We have 6 variables, certain combination of each of them should get the closest to a number. For example :

60 x1 +226 x2 + 400 x3 +554 x4+ 469 x5+ 278 x6 should be as close as feasible to a given a number say, 2620

Constraints : x1>=x2>=x3>=x4>=x5>=x6 Xs can only be integers and should also be >=1

Looking for an easily scalable solution for this in Google bigquery


  • Below is for BigQuery Standard SQL

    WITH puzzle AS (
      SELECT 'x1' x, 60 weight, 2620 target UNION ALL
      SELECT 'x2', 226, 2620 UNION ALL
      SELECT 'x3', 400, 2620 UNION ALL
      SELECT 'x4', 554, 2620 UNION ALL
      SELECT 'x5', 469, 2620 UNION ALL
      SELECT 'x6', 278, 2620 
    ), numbers AS (
      SELECT num FROM (
        SELECT DIV(ANY_VALUE(target), MIN(weight)) max_num
        FROM puzzle
      ), UNNEST(GENERATE_ARRAY(1, max_num)) num
    SELECT x1.num x1, x2.num x2, x3.num x3, x4.num x4, x5.num x5, x6.num x6,
      (SELECT weight FROM puzzle WHERE x = 'x1') * x1.num + 
      (SELECT weight FROM puzzle WHERE x = 'x2') * x2.num + 
      (SELECT weight FROM puzzle WHERE x = 'x3') * x3.num + 
      (SELECT weight FROM puzzle WHERE x = 'x4') * x4.num + 
      (SELECT weight FROM puzzle WHERE x = 'x5') * x5.num + 
      (SELECT weight FROM puzzle WHERE x = 'x6') * x6.num AS result
    FROM puzzle z,
      numbers x1,
      numbers x2,
      numbers x3,
      numbers x4,
      numbers x5,
      numbers x6
    WHERE x1.num >= x2.num 
    AND x2.num >= x3.num 
    AND x3.num >= x4.num 
    AND x4.num >= x5.num 
    AND x5.num >= x6.num 
    ORDER BY ABS(target - result)   
    LIMIT 1

    The output is

    Row x1  x2  x3  x4  x5  x6  result   
    1   4   3   1   1   1   1   2619     

    Note: above approach can relatively easy be adopted for dynamic number of parameters variables