Search code examples

Google sheets - Search and bring as list and paste it to next empty row

I need your help to create a list of search results.

I have a list of search items (over 10.000 items ) as you can see on screenshot column B.

I wrote a function to bring result from main list (on Sheet DM1). =QUERY('DM1'!$C$4:$J$12874,"select * where G LIKE '%"&B3&"%' ",1)

It works fine. But I need to add all the search result (which always include more than one row mostly 4-5 rows and consist of 8 columns) after each other without empty cells between.

So basically according to my search results I would like to make (continuous) another complete list which consist of 8 columns.

How can I do that on google sheets?

If there is a way to filter my main list on DM1 sheet with the values from my search list in another way that works for me also.

Column B Search list, Column C to J is the results

@ale13 hey, The screenshot shows search result for only "14Q02". And following items on the list (column B) needs to be copied right under it.

My formula copies with titles { I do not need that after first search item so formula could be =QUERY('DM1'!$C$4:$J$12874,"select * where G LIKE '%"&B3&"%' ",0) }

Here is the screenshot (I only added second item search result which is "14Q04".)

Here is the screenshot (I only added second items search result which is "14Q04") together with first item.

Sample file is here


  • I have two possible approaches, depending on how many listed tags you might have in column B of Sheet1. If it is only going to be up to ten or so, you could do something like this:

    =QUERY(DM1!C4:J12,"select * where G <> '' and (G = '"&B3&"' OR G = '"&B4&"' OR G = '"&B5&"' OR G = '"&B6&"' OR G = '"&B7&"' OR G = '"&B8&"' OR G = '"&B9&"') ",1)

    The second approach, perhaps more elegant, is building the query dynamically like this:

    =QUERY('DM1'!$C$4:$J$12,"select * where G <> ''" & CONCATENATE(A3:A99),1)

    Then in A3 (or in some other hidden helper column if preferred) you place this formula:

    ={"AND G='" & B3 & "'";ArrayFormula(if(len(B4:B),"OR G = '"&B4:B&"' ",""))}

    This ends up with the same formula as earlier, but it dynamically adds the following text to the QUERY for each listed tag in column B. OR G = 'tag-value' .

    I've added a sample tab, Sheet1-GK, on your sheet to demonstrate this.

    Let me know if this works for you.