I am writing a simple script to rename the selected layer.
Here is the code:
"script-fu-renaming" ;code name
"Renaming Function" ;name
"This is for a question for Stack Overflow" ;description
"Me" ;author
"copyright 2020, Me" ;copyright
"Wednesday 8/Jul/2020" ;date
"" ;?
(define (script-fu-renaming)
(gimp-item-set-name (gimp-image-get-active-layer 1) "屈")
But when I execute it on the Script-Fu console, through this "(script-fu-renaming 0)", I got the following error: "Error: ( : 32595) Invalid type for argument 1 to gimp-item-set-name".
So my question would be what is the code to do what I explained above without getting errors?
Like most GIMP functions gimp-image-get-active-layer returns a list, so you need to extract the first element using car :
(gimp-item-set-name (car (gimp-image-get-active-layer 1)) "?")