I am trying to write a simple PDDL domain and problem, but the planner on planning.domains returns this error:
"killed": false,
"code": 124,
"signal": null,
"cmd": "timeout 5 python /app/process_solution.py /tmp/solver_planning_domains_tmp_4myYaB2oSdNQC/domain.pddl /tmp/solver_planning_domains_tmp_4myYaB2oSdNQC/problem.pddl /tmp/solver_planning_domains_tmp_4myYaB2oSdNQC/plan /tmp/solver_planning_domains_tmp_4myYaB2oSdNQC/log"
How does one go about debugging this? The error messages were more helpful when my syntax was incorrect. I have tried visualizing the object hierarchy and the problem definition, but could not find the issue. Torchlight does not work with ADL, and other analysis tools seem to require a plan. Are there tools I am missing that I should be using?
For the record, these are my domain and problem definitions (based on the AIPS-1998 assembly and IPC 2011 grippers domains/problems):
(define (domain assembly-simple)
(:requirements :adl)
(:types assembly - object
robot - robot)
(:predicates (available ?x - object)
(complete ?a - assembly)
(incorporated ?part ?whole - assembly)
(part-of ?part ?whole - assembly)
(assemble-order ?part1 ?part2 ?whole - assembly)
(robot-carries-an-object ?r - robot)
(robot-carries-this-object ?r - robot ?o - object))
(:action pick
:parameters (?robot - robot ?part - object)
:precondition (and (available ?part)
(not (robot-carries-an-object ?robot)))
:effect (and (robot-carries-an-object ?robot)
(robot-carries-this-object ?robot ?part)
(not (available ?part))))
(:action assemble
:parameters (?robot - robot ?part ?whole - assembly)
:precondition (and (robot-carries-this-object ?robot ?part)
(part-of ?part ?whole)
(forall (?prev - assembly)
(imply (assemble-order ?prev ?part ?whole)
(incorporated ?prev ?whole))))
:effect (and
(not (robot-carries-this-object ?robot ?part))
(not (robot-carries-an-object ?robot))
(incorporated ?part ?whole)
(not (available ?part))
(when (not (exists (?p - assembly)
(and (part-of ?p ?whole)
(not (= ?p ?part))
(not (incorporated ?p ?whole)))))
(and (complete ?whole)
(available ?whole)))))
(define (problem simple-prob)
(:domain assembly-simple)
(:objects base-plate motor-plate sub-assembly - assembly
bot - robot)
(:init (not (robot-carries-an-object bot))
(available base-plate)
(available motor-plate)
(available sub-assembly)
(part-of base-plate sub-assembly)
(part-of motor-plate sub-assembly)
(assemble-order base-plate motor-plate sub-assembly))
(:goal (complete sub-assembly)))
Thanks in advance for any pointers.
The error that's occurring here is actually due to the post-processing of the solution, rather than the planner itself. Better error handling is required for that step (I just created the issue here), but unfortunately I won't have time to work on this for a little while.
If I had to guess, my suspicion is on the complexity of the action effects not being handled by the post-processing. The entire online solving infrastructure is being overhauled in the coming weeks/months, and so hopefully this issue will be resolved as part of that.
If you would like to test things in a different manner, then I would suggest considering the Docker dedicated to planning tools: https://hub.docker.com/r/aiplanning/planutils
There, you should be able to run downward
or lama
and directly get access to the planners.