I'm trying to use the output of nmap command in linux (shell output):
sudo nmap -sn
Nmap scan report for
Host is up (0.094s latency).
MAC Address: B8:27:EB:CE:0A:9F (Raspberry Pi Foundation)
In a python script via subprocess:
import subprocess
p = subprocess.Popen(["nmap", "-sn", ""], stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
output, err = p.communicate()
print ("*** Running nmap -sn ***\n", output)
Which works pretty well except from the fact that I NEED the MAC line that shell output has and subprocess doesn't.
subprocess output:
\nNmap scan report for\nHost is up (0.015s latency).\n
I'm working on an idea of getting IP via MAC/Name and I can't see how to do it without that line...
You don't need to run nmap as a subprocess in python, You can just install the nmap library and import it.
pip install python-nmap
Then write your code:
import json
import nmap
np = nmap.PortScanner()
target = ''
# Scan the subnet
results = np.scan(hosts=target, arguments='-sn')
# Clean the data nmap returns
results = results['scan']
output = {}
for result in results:
output[result] = {}
# Add the MAC addr to the IP
output[result]['mac'] = results[result]['addresses']['mac']
output[result]['mac'] = 'No MAC address avalible'
# Add the vendor to the IP
output[result]['vendor'] = list(results[result]['vendor'].values())[0]
output[result]['vendor'] = 'No vendor info avalible'
When you run your code you have to run it as sudo or else you wont get the MAC addresses.
Output should look like this
"": {
"mac": "16:91:82:xx:xx:xx",
"vendor": "No vendor info avalible"
"": {
"mac": "44:39:C4:xx:xx:xx",
"vendor": "Universal Global Scientific Industrial"
"": {
"mac": "No MAC address avalible",
"vendor": "No vendor info avalible"
I hope it was helpful :-)