with my company we were interested in the translation API.
I need to know if there is a way to retrieve the usage state of an account for a specific period. (For example I would like to be able to know that last month I translated X characters that corresponds to Y USD).
I'm sure that such an API exists, but I really can't find any reference to it.
Translation API bills per character translated and counts translated characters for the whole project in order to create a bill for the customer.
To view your current billing status, including usage and your current bill, see the Billing page (GCP Console => Billing
). Billing reports for a particular service contain fields Product name (Translate), Usage (number of characters) and Cost.
See Cloud Billing > Doc > View your billing reports and cost trends
More detailed information about consumption of the Translation API is not provided. At this time Translation API does not have such functionality.
A similar problem was raised on Issue Tracker in 2017 but to no avail: https://issuetracker.google.com/35903950.