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How to join more than 2 collections in mongodb?

I have got 3 collections: groups, users, and members. Groups collection contains group specific details, users collection contains user-specific details and members collection contains the association of users with groups.

For example:


id                                      |   name 
ObjectId("5ee5e346fae4a21e28a81d91")    |   Housemates 
ObjectId("5ee5e346fae4a21e28a81d92")    |   Co-workers


id                                      |   name
ObjectId("5ee493b0989d0f271cdc41c1")    |   Joulie
ObjectId("5ee493b0989d0f271cdc41c3")    |   Newelle
ObjectId("5ee493b0989d0f271cdc41c5")    |   John
ObjectId("5ee493b0989d0f271cdc41c7")    |   Larry

group_id                                | user_id  
ObjectId("5ee5e346fae4a21e28a81d91")    | ObjectId("5ee493b0989d0f271cdc41c1")
ObjectId("5ee5e346fae4a21e28a81d91")    | ObjectId("5ee493b0989d0f271cdc41c3")
ObjectId("5ee5e346fae4a21e28a81d92")    | ObjectId("5ee493b0989d0f271cdc41c5")
ObjectId("5ee5e346fae4a21e28a81d92")    | ObjectId("5ee493b0989d0f271cdc41c7")

I want to join these three collections and get user details for each group with the group name.

   Expected Output:
        { "group_name":"Housemates", 
          "user_info": [
        { "group_name":"Co-workers", 
          "user_info": [

I've written a query to get the output as above but it's not working:

        $lookup : {
          from: 'users',
          localField: "user_id",
          foreignField: "_id",
          as: "user_info"
        $lookup: {
            from: 'groups',
            localField: "group_id",
            foreignField: "_id",
            as: "group_info"

This question looks similar and I have tried the solution from it as well, but it does not seem to work for me. I would really appreciate any help or guideline. Thank you in advance!


  • You have the right idea, we just need to reconstruct the data after the lookups:

        $lookup: {
          "from": "groups",
          "localField": "group_id",
          "foreignField": "_id",
          as: "groups"
        $lookup: {
          "from": "users",
          "localField": "user_id",
          "foreignField": "_id",
          as: "users"
        $unwind: "$groups"
        $unwind: "$users"
        $group: {
          _id: "$groups._id",
          group_name: {
            $first: "$"
          user_info: {
            $addToSet: {
              name: "$"

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