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How to include mp3 file in buildozer.spec python kivy

I have code:

from import App
from kivy.uix.floatlayout import FloatLayout
from kivy.uix.label import Label
from import SoundLoader
from import Color

class TestApp(App):
    def build(self):
        fl = FloatLayout()
            sound = SoundLoader.load('magic.mp3')
            if sound:
                print("Sound found at %s" % sound.source)
                print("Sound is %.3f seconds" % sound.length)
                fl.add_widget(Label(text=str("Sound found at %s" % sound.source), pos=(0, 0), font_size=(40)))
        except Exception as error:
            fl.add_widget(Label(text=str(error), pos=(0, 0), font_size=(40)))
        return fl

if __name__ == "__main__":

I this code I use magic.mp3 and I want to be able to use it in .apk file, but there isn't it. I thought I should add .mp3 files in buildozer.spec:

# (list) Source files to include (let empty to include all the files)
source.include_exts = py,png,jpg,kv,atlas,mp3

And I also added:

# (list) List of inclusions using pattern matching
source.include_patterns = assets/*,magic/*.mp3

But I cann't play this file, and I get the error:

'NoneType' object has no attribute 'source'

How to fix it? I hope you help me


  • Here's a belated answer, FWIW. I think your problem is not that your mp3 isn't found, but that your file is in mp3. The SDL2 library in python-for-android doesn't support mp3 at the moment (see ).

    You should be able to work around this by converting your mp3 file to wav or ogg.