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How do I keep colors when piping "jq" output to "less"?

I have a simple json file and if I pipe the output of "jq" into "less", the colors get removed.

This works:

# yey, lots of colors
jq "." /tmp/myfile.json

This doesn't work:

# ugly output :( , no colors
jq "." /tmp/myfile.json | less -R

Any ideas on how to make "less" keep the colors?


  • It is jq that is suppressing the colours. From the man page

           o   --color-output / -C and --monochrome-output / -M:
               By default, jq outputs colored JSON if writing to a terminal.
    You can force it to produce color even if writing to a pipe or a file
    using -C, and disable color with -M

    So, just use:

    jq -C "." /tmp/myfile.json | less -R

    and it will output colours regardless. The less command doesn't need the -R switch on my version, but I believe it does on older versions. If you see the ESC... codes, you will need that switch.