What I intend to do is as follows
class A {
constructor() {
this.method1(); // <-- I will get error at this line saying method one does not exist on typeOf A
function bind(thisReference) {
function method1() {
console.log('in method 1');
thisReference.method1 = method1.bind(thisReference)
var a = new A();
Please note there are other cases of object where we get ts2339, which can be solved either by defining types or by using any
I am particularly looking to solve this case and therefore separate question. It is very useful when defining class components in react, so that we can easily define new methods on class outside of class.
[SOLUTION] Thanks to @Bergi, for inspiration
This error seemed so limiting, that I thought that I would better keep my js file, then to create ts file and add the extra typings
However I realized this error is not because of typescript's rules, it's because of how classes are different from functions, although classes in javascript transpile to functions, yet they have their unique existence
We certainly can't bind member variables to classes outside classes, but my main intent was that a class should be able to delegate logic to some code outside the class and that can be accomplished with following syntax which is sweet and simple
import React from 'react';
/** this should not be arrow function so that
* caller's execution context can be used as this */
function sayHello() {
console.log('Hi, these are the props', this.props);
this.setState({ a: 'hi' });
export class Delegate extends React.Component<any, any> {
state: any = {};
sayHello = sayHello; // <-- that which adds sweetness!
* note the use of arrow function to define hello
* so that when it calls this.sayHello
* this actually refers to class instance
hello = () => {
this.sayHello(); // <-- this works totally fine
render() {
return (
Delegate Class
<div onClick={this.hello}>
this is coming from props {this.props.propName}
<Delegate propName="propName" /> //will do as expected
var a = new Delegate();
a.hello(); // prints --> 'will work properly'
Use case can be seen two-fold
on the otherhand writing code with extends is also not scalable, if there is another function which class A and C wants to use then we have to scratch our head
I prefer writing files with as much less code as possible per file