When a user uploads a picture I want to store it in multiple formats. My code for handling the image:
$img = Image::make($file)->encode('png');
$img->resize(3000, null, function ($constraint) {
$img->resize(null, 3000, function ($constraint) {
$uid = Str::uuid();
$fileName = Str::slug($item->name . $uid).'.png';
$high = clone $img;
Storage::put( $this->getUploadPath($bathroom->id, $fileName, "high"), $high);
$med = clone $img;
Storage::put( $this->getUploadPath($bathroom->id, $fileName, "med"), $med);
$thumb = clone $img;
Storage::put( $this->getUploadPath($bathroom->id, $fileName, "thumb"), $thumb);
As you see I tried a few variations.
I also tried:
$thumb = clone $img;
$thumb->resize(400, 400, function ($constraint) {
Storage::put( $this->getUploadPath($fileName, "thumb"), $thumb);
The getUploadPath function:
public function getUploadPath($id, $filename, $quality = 'high'){
return 'public/img/bathroom/'.$id.'/'.$quality.'/'.$filename;
I want the image to fit in xpx x xpx without scaling or downgrading quality. The images are created and stored as expected but the image is not resized. How can I make the image resize?
You need to stream it ($thumb->stream();
) before saving by Storage
facade as below:
$thumb = clone $img;
$thumb->resize(400, 400, function ($constraint) {
Storage::put( $this->getUploadPath($fileName, "thumb"), $thumb);