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When can I cherry-pick

I pose this scenario:

I have two branches in the upstream repo:



My task is to create two pull requests, one against develop, and one against master.

So i create two branches in my local:

git checkout -b develop-local
git checkout -b master-local

Now for some reason, I made the (identical) changes in both local repos manually, push to my origin and created pull requests for each.

If I am now required to create another change in develop-local on top of the already-made changes, can I cherry-pick this latest develop-local commit over to master-local?

How does cherry pick determine when cherry-picking is allowed?


  • Given that the extra commit you made to develop locally is just a regular commit (and not something like a merge commit), there is no reason why cherry picking should not work here:

    # from master (local)
    git cherry-pick develop

    The above command will actually make a new commit on top of master, functionally corresponding to the HEAD commit in develop which you just made. You may now push your local master branch to GitHub, and the pull request should be updated automatically.