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Restrict Back Button React Router

I would like to restrict access to my router and disabled the back button.

For example, if the user manually types on the browser tab or click in an URL besides event/:eventId, I want to redirect it to event/:eventId


  1. The user visits event/1234/friends.
  2. It gets redirected to event/1234
  3. The user clicks the back button and is be able to see event/1234/friends. (It should not be able to visit event/1234/friends).

Note: This bug only happens on mobile. You can't reproduce it on desktop.


  1. The user visits event/1234/friends.
  2. It gets redirected to event/1234
  3. Disable the back button or if the user clicks the back button, won't be able to visit event/1234/friends

This how my code looks like

 const eventPathname = props.history?.location?.pathname;
  const matches = eventPathname.match(/^\/event\/([^/]+)\/.+$/);
  if (!!matches) {
    const defaultPathname = `/event/${matches[1]}`;
    props.history.length = 1;

And here is a code sandbox:

Remember that you can't reproduce it on desktop, only on mobile.

I checked several threads on StackOverflow like 1, 2, 3, 4 but I couldn't find a proper answer. Any help of how can I achieve this?


  • You can simply use history.replace (not push)

    if (!!matches) {
        const defaultPathname = `/event/${matches[1]}`;
        //props.history.length = 1; //<---- probably not required
        //window.location.replace(defaultPathname); //<---- not required
        props.history.replace(defaultPathname); //<---- like this

    Edit: Some explanation

    The main difference between push and replace is that push will create a new entry in the browser’s history and replace will just replace the current state. This way you will not find the back button enabled.

    Some References:



