i want to count and output the amount of times heads and tails are occur in a coin toss based of a users input of amount of coin tosses they want.
so far with this I get no of heads: 1 and no of tails: 1
i also want to get a count of how many coin flip tries it takes to get a list of all heads and then of all tails, but im struggling with this first!
here is my code:
# This program simulates tosses of a coin.
import random
heads = "Heads"
tails = "Tails"
count = 0
def main():
tosses = int(input("Enter number of tosses:"))
print("Total number of heads:",(heads.count(heads)))
print("Total number of tails:", (tails.count(tails)))
#end of main function
def coin(tosses):
for toss in range(tosses):
# Simulate the coin toss.
if random.randint(1, 2) == 1:
return (heads.count(heads),(tails.count(tails)))
# end of if statement
#end of for loop
#end of coin function
# Call the main function.
I've made some edits to your code! It doesn't need to be as complicated as you made it to be. Let me know if you have any questions!
# This program simulates tosses of a coin.
import random
# function to toss coins and increment head/tail counts
def coin(tosses):
# store the counts of each respective result
heads = 0
tails = 0
for toss in range(tosses):
# simulate the coin toss
if random.randint(1, 2) == 1:
heads+=1 # increment count for heads
tails+=1 # increment count for tails
return heads, tails
# main function
def main():
# get user input
tosses = int(input("Enter number of tosses:"))
# toss coins
heads, tails = coin(tosses)
# print final result
print("Total number of heads:", heads)
print("Total number of tails:", tails)
# call the main function