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When to return resolve() after calling stored procedure

I'm using Tedious on Node Js. My code is getting output paramer from stored procedure.

I'm wonder when I return resolve in success case.

function doInsertDansok(dansokFormBody) {
  return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
    connection.on('connect', (err)=> {
      if (err) {
        log.error('connection error:', err);

      let output = {o_retKey:null, o_errMsg:null, o_retReceiptInfo:null};
      let request = new Request(
        'SP_TEST_OUTPUT_PARAM 1, @o_retKey OUT, @o_errMsg OUT, @o_retReceiptInfo OUT', 
        (err, rowCount, rows)=> {
          if (err) {
            log.error('request error:', err);
          } else {
   + " rows(s) returned.", rows);
            resolve(output); //<== Is this point correct?
      request.addOutputParameter('o_retKey', TYPES.Int);
      request.addOutputParameter('o_errMsg', TYPES.VarChar, {length:100});
      request.addOutputParameter('o_retReceiptInfo', TYPES.VarChar, {length:255});
      request.on('returnValue', (parameterName, value) => {'request on returnValue: ' + parameterName + ' = ' + value);  
        output[parameterName] = value; // <-- it called 3 times.  so I choose to collecting parameter in here.  Is it correct way?
      request.on('doneProc', () => {'request doneProc', output);
        //resolve(output);  //<== Actually I thought this point is the right position to return resolve().  But from log, it was wrong.

And question for usage of doneProc of request.on.

Here is the logs.

[2017-12-12T15:21:26.929] [INFO] dansokInsertController - request on returnValue: o_retKey = 2
[2017-12-12T15:21:26.943] [INFO] dansokInsertController - request on returnValue: o_errMsg = Twice
[2017-12-12T15:21:26.943] [INFO] dansokInsertController - request on returnValue: o_retReceiptInfo = sana momomo
[2017-12-12T15:21:26.943] [INFO] dansokInsertController - request doneProc { o_retKey: 2,
  o_errMsg: 'Twice',
  o_retReceiptInfo: 'sana momomo' }
[2017-12-12T15:21:26.944] [INFO] dansokInsertController - 3 rows(s) returned. []


  • do it like below way, requestCompleted is where you need to put resolve value in. and the reason you got 3 times returnValue is because you have 3 outputparameters and it is correct in your above code.

    request.on('requestCompleted',() =>{
         done(null, result);  // result is your value want to return   