I have a table that starts out looking like this:
test <- data.frame("Season" = c("Winter", "Winter", "Winter", "Winter", "Winter", "Winter"),
"Site" = c(123,123,123,123,123,123),
"Flow" = c("H001", "H007", "H030", "L001", "L007", "L030"),
"P-Value" = c(0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05),
"H0" = c(1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1),
"Stat" = c(0.4, 0.4, 0.4, 0.4, 0.4, 0.4),
"Slope" = c(1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1))
And I want to change the rows/columns around so the table looks like this:
test_2 <- data.frame("Site" = c(123), "P-Value for H001 winter" = c(0.05), "P-Value for H007 winter" = c(0.05),
"P-Value for H030 winter" = c(0.05), "P-Value for L001 winter" = c(0.05), "P-Value for L007 winter" = c(0.05),
"P-Value for L030 winter" = c(0.05), "H0 for H001 winter" = c(1), "H0 for H007 winter" = c(1), "H0 for H030 winter" = c(1),
"H0 for L001 winter" = c(1), "H0 for L007 winter" = c(1), "H0 for L030 winter" = c(1),
"Stat for H001 winter" = c(0.04), "Stat for H007 winter" = c(0.04), "Stat for H030 winter" = c(0.04),
"Stat for L001 winter" = c(0.04), "Stat for L007 winter" = c(0.04), "Stat for L030 winter" = c(0.04),
"Slope for H001 winter" = c(1), "Slope for H007 winter" = c(1), "Slope for H030 winter" = c(1),
"Slope for L001 winter" = c(1), "Slope for L007 winter" = c(1), "Slope for L030 winter" = c(1))
I've tried many different functions within dplyr and I can't get it exactly how I want it.
Thank you!
I guess you want this:
test %>%
pivot_longer(cols=c(P.Value, H0, Stat, Slope)) %>%
mutate(name=paste(name, "for", Flow, Season)) %>%
select(-Flow, -Season) %>%
which returns
structure(list(Site = 123, `P.Value for H001 Winter` = 0.05,
`H0 for H001 Winter` = 1, `Stat for H001 Winter` = 0.4, `Slope for H001 Winter` = 1,
`P.Value for H007 Winter` = 0.05, `H0 for H007 Winter` = 1,
`Stat for H007 Winter` = 0.4, `Slope for H007 Winter` = 1,
`P.Value for H030 Winter` = 0.05, `H0 for H030 Winter` = 1,
`Stat for H030 Winter` = 0.4, `Slope for H030 Winter` = 1,
`P.Value for L001 Winter` = 0.05, `H0 for L001 Winter` = 1,
`Stat for L001 Winter` = 0.4, `Slope for L001 Winter` = 1,
`P.Value for L007 Winter` = 0.05, `H0 for L007 Winter` = 1,
`Stat for L007 Winter` = 0.4, `Slope for L007 Winter` = 1,
`P.Value for L030 Winter` = 0.05, `H0 for L030 Winter` = 1,
`Stat for L030 Winter` = 0.4, `Slope for L030 Winter` = 1), row.names = c(NA,
-1L), class = "data.frame")