I have just downloaded vapor for the first time and I got vapor 4, and unfortunately, all the tutorials I have are built on vapor 3, how to downgrade vapor version?
I recently did this - I think all I had to do was:
brew uninstall vapor
brew tap vapor/tap
brew install vapor/tap/vapor3
but then I had some unrelated issues with homebrew that took a while to resolve, so I might be forgetting something.
and small side note but make sure to use vapor3 in all terminal commands after this! i.e. even to check if the install was successful - use vapor3 --help
. I tried vapor --help
immediately after to check, and thought the install wasn't successful, but actually if vapor --help
returns an error and vapor3 --help
works, that is further confirmation the uninstall of vapor 4 worked and you only have vapor3 installed. Similarly, vapor3 --version