I have the following code:
public class ViewModel
private IServiceAccess _svcAccess;
public ViewModel(IServiceAccess svcAccess)
_svcAccess = svcAccess;
public ObservableCollection<Item> ExistingItems
return new ObservableCollection<Item>(_svcAccess.GetExistingItems());
<CheckBox IsChecked="{Binding Path=Ignore, UpdateSourceTrigger=PropertyChanged}" />
I want to be able to instantly responsd when the User checks the box - Everywhere I've read this says it "updates the source", but how do I actually respond to that? The only other examples I've found have been the other way around, i.e. a change in the ViewModel raises the event to notify the View.
At the moment I've got an ObservableCollection in my ViewModel that is bound to the datagrid. Ignore is a field on my Item object, stored in the DB as a bool.
What I'd like to happen is checking the box triggers an event I can respond to in the ViewModel.
Note - I was going to map my EF entities into separate VM entities for the WPF layer, but was advised it was unecessary and overkill.
I'm slightly confused by your use of "ViewModel" in the question
I've got an ObservableCollection in my ViewModel
versus in the comment
I've got checkboxes bound to a field in the VM
Presumably these are 2 different VMs: a parent VM containing an observable collection of child VMs.
I think you are stuck on thinking that the action has to take place in the parent VM. Simply change the field on the child VM to a property and do what you want in that property's setter. Of course if you want to call code in the parent from the child's setter, you can.