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("Solved")LFS QT4 (4.8.7) Install Fails at "dialogs/qprintdialog_unix.cpp"

I have been following the blfs guide on KDE and I needed QT4 for one of the dependencies of "KDE-Baseapps". Running:

./configure -prefix $QT4PREFIX \
-sysconfdir /etc/xdg \
-confirm-license \
-opensource \
-release \
-dbus-linked \
-system-sqlite \
-no-phonon \
-no-phonon-backend \
-no-webkit \
-no-openvg \
-nomake demos \
-nomake examples \
-optimized-qmake \
-no-openssl &&


After some time of compiling I get these errors:

Since it involved printing I assumed it was CUPS, but when I used the parameter "--no-cups" I got the same output.

EDIT: My LFS version is 9.1 but the BLFS book was 7.9 because that is the latest I can find on qt4


  • KDE-Baseapps was for KDE4 while I have KDE5. What I needed from KDE-Baseapps was a seperate package easily installed from: