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Get filepath of file in Finder

I want to get the filepath of the front file in the Finder, such as /Users/user/Downloads/file.png and I am very confused with the way macOS and AppleScript handle file paths, POSIX with slashes and natively with colons. I tried both of these:

tell application "Finder"
    set temp to selection
    repeat with i from 1 to length of temp
        set the_item to item i of temp
        set item_posix to the_item as POSIX file
        set the_result to POSIX path of item_posix -- returns only the file's name and extension
        return get the path of the_item -- returns an error
    end repeat
end tell

I once succeeded and it was so convoluted with as file and as alias that I can't remember how it worked.

How can I get the filepath of the front file in the Finder?

Update: I'm interested in a single path for the sake of the syntax and I can handle multiple paths with a loop.


  • With the inuxmint-20-cinnamon-64bit.iso files selected in the Downloads folders in Finder, here are some examples:

    This command:

    tell application "Finder" to get selection


    --> {document file "linuxmint-20-cinnamon-64bit.iso" of folder "Downloads" of folder "me" of folder "Users" of startup disk}

    This command:

    tell application "Finder" to get selection as alias


    -> {alias "Macintosh HD:Users:me:Downloads:linuxmint-20-cinnamon-64bit.iso"}

    This command:

    tell application "Finder" to set aliasItemName to selection as alias


    --> {alias "Macintosh HD:Users:me:Downloads:linuxmint-20-cinnamon-64bit.iso"}

    These commands:

    set posixPathName to POSIX path of aliasItemName
    return posixPathName



    Note that set posixPathName to POSIX path of aliasItemName is done outside of the context of Finder as it does not understand POSIX path as it's a part of Standard Additions, not Finder.