I'm attempting to change the .textFieldStyle
modifier for a TextField
based upon whether my View
is editing. I declare var isEditing: Bool
, set this in the parent View
and check against this in the body
. My code:
TextField("Type a Name", text: $name) {
myManagedObjectObserved.attribute = name
.textFieldStyle(isEditing ? RoundedBorderTextFieldStyle() : PlainTextFieldStyle())
The compiler complains with the following build time error...
Result values in '? :' expression have mismatching types 'RoundedBorderTextFieldStyle' and 'PlainTextFieldStyle'
Don't understand why? Is anyone able to explain please?
They are different types, so swift type checking reports error.
Here is possible solution (tested with Xcode 12)
var body: some View {
if isEditing {
TextField("Type a Name", text: $name) {
myManagedObjectObserved = name
} else {
TextField("Type a Name", text: $name) {
myManagedObjectObserved = name
Update: more convenient variant (with same idea)
extension TextField {
func editingStyle(if flag: Bool) -> some View {
if flag {
} else {
struct TestView: View {
@State private var name = ""
@State private var isEditing = false
var body: some View {
TextField("Type a Name", text: $name) {
myManagedObjectObserved = name
.editingStyle(if: isEditing)