I am trying to update a column of type integer to numeric(2) in postgres
ALTER TABLE employee_status
ALTER COLUMN status TYPE numeric(2);
but getting the error ERROR: cannot alter type of a column used by a view or rule DETAIL: rule _RETURN on view v_employee_details depends on column "status"
Without dropping or deleting data, how can i achieve this? is there any way to disable the rule or the view
The only possible way is to drop and re-create the view.
But that is no problem, you can easily get the view definition with the pg_get_viewdef
If you have a lot of dependent views, take a look at this answer to get all dependent views in the correct order.
Don't worry about the _RETURN
rule: that is just an implementation detail of how views are implemented in PostgreSQL: as ON SELECT DO INSTEAD
rule named _RETURN
do $$
declare v_employee_details_def text;
declare exec_text text;
v_employee_details_def := pg_get_viewdef('v_employee_details');
drop view v_employee_details;
-- do your other stuff
exec_text := format('create view v_employee_details as %s',
execute exec_text;
end $$;