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Springdoc GroupedOpenApi not following global parameters set with OperationCustomizer

When using GroupedOpenApi to define an API group, the common set of parameters that are added to every endpoint is not present in the parameters list. Below are the respective codes

public GroupedOpenApi v1Apis() {
    return GroupedOpenApi.builder().group("v1 APIs")
            // hide all v2 APIs
            .pathsToExclude("/api/v2/**", "/v2/**")
            // show all v1 APIs
            .pathsToMatch("/api/v1/**", "/v1/**")

And the class to add the Standard Headers to all the endpoints

public class GlobalHeaderAdder implements OperationCustomizer {
    public Operation customize(Operation operation, HandlerMethod handlerMethod) {
        operation.addParametersItem(new Parameter().$ref("#/components/parameters/ClientID"));
        operation.addSecurityItem(new SecurityRequirement().addList("Authorization"));
        List<Parameter> parameterList = operation.getParameters();
        if (parameterList!=null && !parameterList.isEmpty()) {
            Collections.rotate(parameterList, 1);
        return operation;

Actual Output

Actual Output

Expected Output

Expected Output


Adding the paths to be included/excluded in the application properties file solves the error. But something at the code level will be much appreciated.


  • Attach the required OperationCustomizerobject while building the Api Group.

    public GroupedOpenApi v1Apis(GlobalHeaderAdder globalHeaderAdder) {
        return GroupedOpenApi.builder().group("v1 APIs")
                // hide all v2 APIs
                .pathsToExclude("/api/v2/**", "/v2/**")
                // show all v1 APIs
                .pathsToMatch("/api/v1/**", "/v1/**")

    Edit: Answer updated with reference to @Value not providing values from application properties Spring Boot