i'm uploading files to azure like so:
with open(tempfile, "rb") as data:
blob_client.upload_blob(data, blob_type='BlockBlob', length=None, metadata=None)
how can i get a progress indication? when i try uploading as stream, it only uploads one chunk.
i'm sure i'm doing something wrong, but can't find info.
It looks like the Azure library doesn't include a callback function to monitor progress.
Fortunately, you can add a wrapper around Python's file object which can call a callback everytime there's a read.
Try this:
import os
from io import BufferedReader, FileIO
class ProgressFile(BufferedReader):
# For binary opening only
def __init__(self, filename, read_callback):
f = FileIO(file=filename, mode='r')
self._read_callback = read_callback
# I prefer Pathlib but this should still support 2.x
self.length = os.stat(filename).st_size
def read(self, size=None):
calc_sz = size
if not calc_sz:
calc_sz = self.length - self.tell()
self._read_callback(position=self.tell(), read_size=calc_sz, total=self.length)
return super(ProgressFile, self).read(size)
def my_callback(position, read_size, total):
# Write your own callback. You could convert the absolute values to percentages
# Using .format rather than f'' for compatibility
print("position: {position}, read_size: {read_size}, total: {total}".format(position=position,
myfile = ProgressFile(filename='mybigfile.txt', read_callback=my_callback)
Then you would do
blob_client.upload_blob(myfile, blob_type='BlockBlob', length=None, metadata=None)
Edit: It looks like TQDM (progress monitor) has a neat wrapper: https://github.com/tqdm/tqdm#hooks-and-callbacks. The bonus there is that you get easy access to a pretty progress bar.