I have 5 forms so I am implementing data service to connect them. Service working fine and I am getting data in service but when I will go from one page to the second page and click on next them I will only get second form data but I want first form data also So that in final stage I can send all collected data to API. this is the my code
`import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';`
`import { AddBusinessMutation} from 'src/app/graphql'`
`import{FormGroup, FormControl, Validators,FormArray} from '@angular/forms'`
providedIn: 'root'
`export class AddbusinessService {`
`business: AddBusinessMutation;`
`businesses: [];`
`setGeneralFormData(data) {`
`// this.businesses = data.socialLinks;
// this.business = data.frmData;`
I think you should push every form data to businesses
array and append new properties to business
business: AddBusinessMutation;
businesses: any[] = [];
setGeneralFormData(data) {
this.business = <AddBusinessMutation> Object.assign({}, this.business, data.frmData)
instead of
setGeneralFormData(data) {
this.businesses = data.socialLinks;
this.business = data.frmData;