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Laradock, configuring SSL with Nginx on localhost

I've been using Laradock to do my local development for a few weeks now and recently needed to utilise HTTPS in order to get Google to callback to me when integrating social logins.

I develop on Windows using WSL2 and made a change to my hosts file:

Any normal http traffic to routes correctly and I see my application, great!

I did some reading and found that I need an SSL certificate signed by an authority and stumped upon mkcert, it looks like it should do the job. After following the installation I cd into the nginx/ssl folder which is mounted into Laradocks nginx ssl directory via the NGINX_SSL_PATH=./nginx/ssl/ .env var, and I then ran mkcert localhost ::1 to produce a cert and key that could be used to authorise requests from these domains (this produced two files: and

I then modified the default.conf in the sites-available to utilise these certs:

    # For https
    listen 443 ssl;
    listen [::]:443 ssl ipv6only=on;
    ssl_certificate /etc/nginx/ssl/;
    ssl_certificate_key /etc/nginx/ssl/;

and also modified laradocks to remove the block which auto generates an SSL certificate on load (if default.crtis not found)

#if [ ! -f /etc/nginx/ssl/default.crt ]; then
#    openssl genrsa -out "/etc/nginx/ssl/default.key" 2048
#    openssl req -new -key "/etc/nginx/ssl/default.key" -out "/etc/nginx/ssl/default.csr" -subj "/CN=default/O=default/C=UK"
#    openssl x509 -req -days 365 -in "/etc/nginx/ssl/default.csr" -signkey "/etc/nginx/ssl/default.key" -#out "/etc/nginx/ssl/default.crt"

I then started my container and found there were no errors in the log, but any traffic to resulted in no traffic being logged in the access log (http traffic is still logged using the domain)...I also realised that I was just being met with a 403 error for any https traffic.

I ran nginx -T to check which config was loaded and I can see that it is using my certificate/key and if I do cat /etc/nginx/ssl/ it prints the cert, so I'm certain that they are being mounted into the container (same result if I cat the key)

Am I doing anything else obviously wrong here? I'm not a devopsy person and this stuff is all relatively new to me.


  • I had the exact same issue. Being on Windows 10 version 2004, WSL2 became available allowing you to use Docker Desktop with WSL2.

    I also have VMWare Workstation 14.x installed. I had this frustration for several weeks before deciding to--reluctantly--uninstall VMWare Workstation. This immediately solved my issue. I tried reinstalling VMWare however, that caused the issue to reappear. I also tried removing all virtual networks in the Virtual Network Editor but this did not make a difference.

    If you check your NGINX container access logs, you will see that NGINX never receives the connection requests that you make over SSL--Oddly, HTTP requests seem to work fine. Also, the browser shows a certificate from VMWare. Unfortunately, I've spent a lot of time searching for a solution to this issue but have not found one beyond uninstalling VMWare Workstation. I hope this at least gets you on the correct track.