I am trying to HTTP POST a Treasure to a Firebase Real Time Database(2) using Micronaut's RxHTTP (1).
data class Treasure
val treasureId : String? = null,
val name : String,
val description: String,
val amount : Double,
val lat : Double,
val lng : Double
interface TreasureRepository : CreateTreasurePort
override fun add(treasure : Treasure)
It posts but for some reason it nesting the object under uuid.
I do not want treasure to be there, I just want all five properties under the UID.
1: docs.micronaut.io/latest/guide/httpClient.html#clientAnnotation 2: firebase.google.com/docs/reference/rest/database#section-post
Solved by adding the @Body1 annotation.
interface TreasureRepository : CreateTreasurePort
override fun add(@Body treasure : Treasure)
1: Body Annotation: https://docs.micronaut.io/latest/api/io/micronaut/http/annotation/Body.html